Qualifying Prospects: 20+ Questions to Ask to Determine Prospects Worth Pursuing

Qualifying Prospects: 20+ Questions to Ask to Determine Prospects Worth Pursuing

A successful sales process relies on qualified prospects. By identifying these ideal client profiles early in the sales funnel, businesses can avoid wasting resources and ensure a smoother buying process overall.

In this article, we will talk about the importance of qualifying prospects. Then, we’ll discuss how to ask the right questions to spot the best leads. We’ll also share 29 example questions you can use when you qualify prospects.

Prospect qualification is the process of evaluating potential customers to determine their suitability and likelihood of purchasing your product or service. It involves discerning between potential customers who are genuinely interested and ready to buy from disqualified leads or those just looking around. Qualifying leads helps the sales team focus on leads that are more likely to convert, ensuring better use of resources and higher conversion rates.

Why Is Qualifying Sales Leads and Prospects Important

The qualification process is pivotal for businesses since it allows sales and marketing teams to streamline their efforts. It ensures they are targeting the right audience rather than spending time convincing the wrong people to make a purchase.

By focusing on qualified leads, companies can boost their conversion rates, improve the efficiency of the sales process, and ultimately increase revenue. In short, qualified leads are the best prospects for scaling your business.

How to Qualify Prospects

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Qualifying sales leads involves assessing a potential customer’s fit and buying intent, focusing on their needs, budget, and purchasing timeline. Qualified leads match the product’s ideal buyer profile and have a genuine intent to purchase the product or service soon.

To ensure effective prospect qualification, follow these strategies:

1. Take on the Selector Mindset

In the vast pool of leads, not all are beneficial or relevant to your business. You’re not just looking for a sale but for a valuable, lasting business relationship. This means weighing the fit of a prospect with your product or service and potentially passing on those that don’t align with the buyer persona.

Create a set of criteria or a checklist for your ideal customer profile. Use this to actively filter through leads and prioritize those that match it most closely.

Example: suppose you’re a luxury car dealer. Rather than trying to sell to every walk-in, specifically target those who show genuine interest and capacity to purchase a high-end vehicle, possibly filtering through inquiries based on their stated budget or previous car ownership.

2. Research Before Reaching Out

A deep understanding of a potential lead’s background, business operations, current challenges, and future aspirations can set you apart from competitors. By demonstrating this knowledge during initial interactions, you showcase commitment and interest in the customer.

Use tools like LinkedIn, company websites, and industry reports to gather detailed information about the prospect’s business. The more tailored the initial conversation is, the better your chances of resonating with their needs are.

Example: a web development agency aiming to deliver comprehensive digital solutions to a mid-sized business would first assess the prospect company’s current website. Then, evaluate its performance, user experience, and the efficiency of its web hosting. Noticing a slow-loading site, they could introduce the benefits of transitioning to a reliable, professional web host like Hostinger, explaining how it complements their web development services to ensure optimal site performance.

3. Look for Signs of Readiness

A key to an efficient sales process is recognizing when a prospect is ready to buy. Their readiness can be gauged through their online behavior, feedback, and direct interactions. Responding to these signals promptly can lead to quicker conversions.

Utilize monitoring tools like Mention or Google Alerts to keep tabs on specific keywords or phrases related to pain points your product addresses.

Example: if you notice a company has recently posted on social media about their inefficient project management tools, this could be a cue for you to make introductions and pitch your state-of-the-art project management software.

4. Seek Referrals

Referrals or warm leads – those introduced through existing relationships or clients – often have a higher conversion rate. It’s a testament to the trust and quality you’ve already established in the market.

Formalize a referral program that rewards those who bring in qualified leads. Whether it’s a discount on future services or a monetary reward, make sure to express your appreciation.

Example: after implementing a new IT system for a client, you can host a feedback session. If they’re satisfied, this is the perfect moment to introduce your referral program.

5. Ask the Right Questions

Open-ended questions can offer insights into a prospect’s mindset. Instead of making assumptions, direct inquiries can pinpoint the exact needs, challenges, and reservations a prospect might have.

Implement the SPIN (Situation, Problem, Implication, Need-payoff) selling technique to structure the questions and understand your prospect’s situation and needs better.

Example: for a company selling a digital marketing platform, consider a similar approach to this:

  • Situation: “How do you currently manage your online marketing campaigns?”
  • Problem: “What challenges are you facing with your current system?”
  • Implication: “How does that impact your ROI?”
  • Need-payoff: “How would streamlining these processes improve your team’s productivity?”

6. Introduce Yourself and Your Company Creatively

Breaking through the noise and capturing the attention of potential prospects requires more than a traditional introduction. Using creativity when presenting yourself and your company not only makes you memorable but also sets the stage for a dynamic business relationship.

Regularly brainstorm with your marketing and design teams. Encourage out-of-the-box ideas and test different creative approaches to see which resonates most with your target audience.

Example: instead of a standard company brochure, consider sending a short animated video or an interactive digital presentation highlighting your company’s story, core values, and solutions. For instance, a tech company could develop an augmented reality (AR) business card that provides a virtual tour of its products when scanned.

7. Level the Playing Field

Prospects should feel like they’re entering a partnership rather than a mere transaction. By positioning yourself as a collaborator instead of just a seller, you establish trust and mutual respect, and open the door to genuine dialogue.

During meetings or pitches, ensure your language and presentation style is inclusive. Use phrases like “we believe” or “together we can” to emphasize collaboration and win-win situations.

Example: if you’re selling a customizable software solution, instead of pitching its features, invite potential clients to a collaborative workshop. Here, they can express their specific needs, and together you co-create potential solutions or configurations that suit them best.

8. Pay Close Attention to Feature Questions

When prospects inquire about specific features or nuances of a product, it’s often a sign of genuine interest. These questions also provide a window into their priorities and potential reservations. Responding adequately to these questions can make the difference between a successful sale and a missed opportunity.

Be always prepared when meeting clients. Have a detailed understanding of your product or service features, and ensure that any salesperson or representative is equipped to handle intricate queries. Furthermore, after meetings, make notes of common feature questions to refine and improve future pitches or product development.

Example: if a client is evaluating CRM software and asks about data security measures, it’s evident that data protection is a high priority for them. Addressing this query comprehensively, perhaps by providing a detailed security white paper or offering to set up a meeting with your IT security team, can put their minds at ease.

9. Trust Your Instincts

While data-driven decisions are crucial, human intuition, especially one honed over years of experience, shouldn’t be disregarded. Sometimes, non-verbal cues, tone, or hesitations can reveal more than explicit answers.

After interactions, take a moment to reflect on the conversation. Jot down your feelings and observations, and cross-reference them with factual data before making a decision.

Example: during a meeting, if a prospect seems distracted, frequently postpones appointments, or is non-committal, these might be red flags indicating they’re not fully on board.

10. Stay Updated With Industry Trends

By proactively keeping up with industry shifts, you’re not just selling a product or service but offering a vision of the future. You position yourself as a thought leader, someone who understands evolving challenges and is ready with solutions.

Regularly attend industry conferences, webinars, and workshops. Additionally, set aside time each week to read up on industry news, ensuring you’re always in the know.

Example: an advertising agency that’s ahead of the curve with emerging social media trends can guide brands to pivot their marketing strategy, capturing new audiences before competitors do.

11. Integrate and Optimize With Technology

Leveraging technology can greatly optimize the lead qualification process. By integrating advanced CRM systems and AI tools, businesses can automate parts of the process, ensuring both efficiency and accuracy.

When implementing AI-powered tools, such as chatbots, ensure they are finely calibrated with the right set of preliminary questions that align with your sales qualification criteria.

Regularly review and adjust your tech stack based on user interactions and feedback to maintain accuracy and relevance. This ensures that AI-powered tools not only streamline the process but also collect valuable insights consistently.

Example: implement AI-powered chatbots on your website. These bots can conduct preliminary discussions with potential clients, asking foundational questions to gauge their fit. This way, by the time they reach a human representative, much of the groundwork is already done.

12. Learn to Handle Objections

Every salesperson faces objections – it’s an integral part of the process. However, you should focus on how these objections are addressed. Anticipating and skillfully navigating these objections can be the bridge to a successful sale.

Prepare a comprehensive objection-handling guide. This should be a dynamic document that is updated regularly, containing common objections and tested responses. This guide can be a valuable tool, especially for newer team members, ensuring consistency in objection handling across the board.

Example: should a prospect raise concerns about a product’s cost, it’s essential to delve deeper and understand their budgetary constraints. Rather than immediately slashing prices, you could offer tailored solutions or flexible payment plans that align more closely with their financial framework.

29 Qualifying Questions to Ask Prospects

Now that you have a firm grasp on how to qualify sales leads, it’s time to talk about specific questions you can ask. Below, we have listed example questions to help your sales qualification processes, with explanations for why the question is useful or important to ask.

Keep in mind that not all questions will make sense in every conversation. It’s your job to determine what questions will get customers to reveal more information and help you build trust.

1. What are your top business goals for the next few months or years?

Why: this question helps the sales rep align the product or service to the prospect’s long-term objectives and understand where it fits in their sales strategy.

2. What are some of your highest priorities?

Why: knowing the prospect’s priorities can guide and tailor the sales process to address those top-of-mind concerns.

3. What specific challenges are you currently facing?

Why: this question helps the lead qualification process by identifying pain points your product or particular solution can address.

4. What’s prompting you to seek a solution like this right now?

Why: understanding the urgency and the root cause can streamline the sales qualification process and ensure the sales pipeline is populated with qualified sales prospects.

5. What has prevented you from addressing this challenge until now?

Why: unearthing past barriers can provide valuable insight into how the sales process should be approached with this particular prospect.

6. Have you tried to address this problem before? Why didn’t past solutions work?

Why: helps to avoid past pitfalls and offers a personalized selling experience.

7. Have you thought about or used a similar product or service before?

Why: knowing previous experiences aids sales prospecting by benchmarking against past solutions.

8. What would the consequences be if you did nothing to address the issue?

Why: gauging the negative or positive implications of inaction helps to qualify the lead’s seriousness and potential for conversion.

9. Who else are you considering or comparing us with?

Why: this offers a direct look into the competition, enabling the sales rep to differentiate and highlight unique selling points of their product or service.

10. What is your budget for this initiative?

Why: understanding financial constraints is vital in the sales qualification process to determine if they’re a viable prospect or not.

11. What does your daily routine look like, and how might our solution impact it?

Why: tailoring the solution to fit seamlessly into their routine enhances the value proposition and aids in the qualification process.

12. How does the decision-making process work for this project?

Why: identifying the decision-making structure is essential in understanding how decisions are made, accelerating the prospect qualification process.

13. What potential obstacles might derail this project?

Why: anticipating challenges ensures better preparation and can improve the overall sales conversion rates.

14. How do you define and measure success for this solution?

Why: aligning on success metrics ensures both parties are on the same page. This is vital for effective sales qualification.

15. Based on what you’ve seen so far, do you believe our solution could address your challenge?

Why: this directly gauges the prospect’s initial impression, helping to refine subsequent sales techniques and sales training.

16. What are your expectations of us as your potential provider?

Why: establishing clear expectations helps align service delivery with the prospect’s needs, which is crucial for long-term customer acquisition.

17. Are there any areas or features you absolutely wouldn’t want in a solution?

Why: this helps tailor the offering to avoid potential deal-breakers, which is essential in the lead qualification framework.

18. Who are the primary decision-makers in this process?

Why: knowing the decision-makers helps target the pitch and ensures the right stakeholders are involved, streamlining the sales qualification process.

19. What are your must-have features or requirements?

Why: this gives direct insight into non-negotiables, allowing the sales teams to tailor their approach for better sales performance.

20. Would you be open to providing feedback during a pilot phase?

Why: willingness to provide feedback indicates engagement and a cooperative spirit, which can be essential for sales teams aiming for a collaborative approach.

21. Has your company size influenced the buying process or purchasing decisions in the past?

Why: gaining insight into how their company size affects their decision-making can help tailor the sales qualifying questions to better match their organizational needs.

22. Can you walk me through your decision-making process when evaluating a solution like ours?

Why: by grasping their decision process, we can align our pitch and solutions more closely with their expectations, streamlining the sales process.

23. Who is the primary economic buyer or decision-maker when it comes to solutions like ours?

Why: identifying the economic buyer or the decision maker ensures that you’re addressing the right individuals and not wasting time on unqualified leads.

24. How do you determine the top priority solutions or products to invest in for the near future?

Why: recognizing the prospect’s top priority enables the sales reps to present their offerings in a manner that aligns with the lead’s immediate needs.

25. Are there any pain points from your existing customers that you hope our solution might address?

Why: unveiling existing customer pain points will give the sales reps valuable information to showcase how your product or solution might be superior.

26. What venture funding or budget do you have for solutions like this?

Why: knowing the prospect’s venture funding or allocated budget set provides clarity on financial constraints, aiding in lead generation and ensuring the sales pitch is economically viable.

27. Since our initial contact, have you identified any potential negative consequences or roadblocks in integrating our solution?

Why: discussing negative consequences allows for proactive problem-solving, ensuring a smoother buying process.

28. How does our product align with other solutions or products your company sells?

Why: by understanding what the company sells, the sales organization can better tailor the offering to complement the client’s existing portfolio.

29. Can you provide a firm date by which you’d like to finalize the purchasing process?

Why: setting a firm date helps streamline the decision-making process, ensuring clear timelines and expectations.


Effectively qualifying prospects is not just a mere step in the sales process. It’s the cornerstone of building productive relationships with potential clients. Ensuring that the sales team’s efforts are strategically directed toward the most promising leads guarantees that no time is wasted on dead ends.

The strategies and questions outlined in this guide are powerful tools for any sales professional. They have the potential to drive higher conversions, culminating in not only increased sales but also fostering long-lasting, value-driven relationships with clients.

Qualifying Prospects FAQ

This section will cover some of the frequently asked questions about qualifying prospects.

What Happens if You Qualify Bad Prospects?

Qualifying unsuitable leads can waste time and resources, impacting the efficiency of the sales team and potentially hurting the company’s reputation.

What if Most of My Prospects Do Not Qualify?

If a majority of prospects aren’t qualifying, it might indicate a need to revisit your lead generation or marketing communications strategies to better target potential clients.

What’s the Difference Between Marketing Qualified Leads (MQLs) and Sales Qualified Leads (SQLs)?

MQLs are leads showing interest through marketing interactions, such as downloading content about the product. SQLs have a deeper buying intent, often identified after direct sales interactions. An MQL signals readiness for sales engagement, while an SQL is near closing a deal.

What Is the Difference Between a Qualified Lead and an Unqualified Lead?

A qualified lead aligns with your product’s ideal profile and shows genuine intent to purchase, meeting criteria such as need, budget, and purchase timeline. An unqualified lead lacks one or more of these elements, making them a less likely candidate for conversion.

How Often Should I Revisit and Refine My Sales Qualification Criteria?

Regularly review your criteria, at least annually, or whenever there’s a significant change in your product, market, or business objectives. This ensures you stay relevant and aligned with your target customers.

Are There Risks Involved in Relying Too Much on Referrals for Qualified Leads?

While referrals often bring high-quality leads, relying solely on them can limit your reach. It’s essential to maintain a diverse lead generation strategy to ensure a steady flow of new prospects.

Can You Over-Qualify Leads?

Yes, being overly strict with suitable sales leads can lead to missed opportunities. It’s essential to strike a balance, ensuring you’re not excluding leads that might require a slightly different approach or more nurturing.

The author

Matleena Salminen

Matleena is a seasoned Content Writer with 5 years of content marketing experience. She has a particular interest in emerging digital marketing trends, website building, and AI. In her free time, Matleena enjoys cups of good coffee, tends to her balcony garden, and studies Japanese. Follow her on LinkedIn