10 Best Practices to Make a Website Mobile-Friendly

Ensuring your website is as user-friendly on any mobile device as on a traditional desktop is key to standing out against the competition. This is...

What Is Website Caching and How to Clear It

One of the many fundamental strategies to optimize a website is improving loading speed. In addition to using a fast and reliable hosting provider,...

Best 8 SEO Forums to Join in 2024

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is an ever-changing world where you may stumble upon problems or unclear situations at any time. Finding the right...

How to Test Website Speed and Understand Speed Metrics + Tips and Tool Recommendations

Website speed has a significant impact on its traffic and reputation. Slow load times discourage website visitors from browsing, leading to a...

What Is SEO? A Comprehensive Guide for 2024

SEO stands for search engine optimization, and it is a practice of optimizing your web pages to rank higher on search engine result pages (SERP). SEO...

How to Run a Website Speed Test with GTmetrix

To succeed online, you must have a fast website. You can check if your site is performing well by using site speed testing tools like GTmetrix. It...

Keep-Alive: How Does It Improves Website Performance

Enabling Keep-Alive can help to optimize website’s performance and deliv­er a bet­ter user experience. It allows a visitor’s browser to...

GZIP compression: how to enable it to speed up your site

Search engine optimization (SEO) is an inseparable part of digital content creation. After all, the ranking of websites or web pages on search engine...

Minify CSS, HTML, and JavaScript in WordPress: A Comprehensive Guide

Wouldn’t it be great if your site could perform better, even if it’s just a little bit faster? To make such a difference, you should learn...